Heliaus https://healiya.org My WordPress Blog Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:57:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 12 Sure shot ways to Improve Your Digestion… https://healiya.org/12-sure-shot-ways-to-improve-your-digestion/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:56:44 +0000 https://smgrocks.xyz/heliaus/?p=265

Improve you Digestion…… If your digestion is effected, everything else is affected.

Feeling bloated always? Uneasy in the gut leading to constipation, diarrhea, flatulence?, one must know that there is a deep connection between the brain & gut. The brain gut axis is connected with the vagus nerve. Most of the ibs sufferers are given anti depressants or calming medications to ease their gut issues. Try the following.

1. Take 1 teaspoon ajwain mixed with rock salt and sunth powder every night with warm or regular water.

2. Drink peppermint tea whenever you feel severely bloated

3. Take a mild relaxing powder like Ashwagandha or Shankhpushpi.

4. Wear a tiger eye crystal to balance the solar plexus, if possible combine it with amethyst or kunzite.

5. Chew saunf after every meal.

6. Try having buttermilk with lavan bhaskar churna (optional) everyday. Those who have a complaint of cold must avoid this.

7. A teaspoon of hingvashtak churna with warm water or ghee before meals helps in control of gas formation.

8. For constipation one can take laxative like isabgol every night, also massaging the stomach with oil clockwise helps .

9. Probiotics are safer choices to maintain a balance of good bacteria in the stomach and protect the stomach lining.

10. Try avoiding raw food, drink more of juices or have fresh fruits.

11. Keep a journal of problem foods, that trigger the condition, try to avoid it as different food. Have different results to people. So identify what suits you, not a basic plan works for all.

12. Meditate often

If you still have any Physical, Emotional or Mental issues, contact us for a free consultation on: 9899106125 / 9718352666

or write to us on email ID: Healiyawellness@gmail.com

Why Energy Healing Is The Medicine Of The Future? https://healiya.org/why-energy-healing-is-the-medicine-of-the-future/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:54:14 +0000 https://smgrocks.xyz/heliaus/?p=259

Energy Medicine is not only just for healing, but it is also for bringing you vitality when you are drained, resilience when you are stressed, and joy when you are down.

I’ve been helping people experience how easy it is to activate their own body’s energy for healing themselves for over a decade now. It’s been an exciting journey watching people come alive in ways they never expected.

So What Is Energy Medicine?

Energy is the life force. Keep your life force healthy and it keeps you healthy.

Energy medicine in a phrase, gets your energies into harmony and balance. If you are sick or sad, shifting your energies feels good and brings back in balance, balancing your energies balances your body’s chemistry, regulates your hormones, helps you feel good, and helps you think better.

When you care for your body’s invisible energies, your cells become a cell’s version of happy, all the systems in your body start to hum in tune, and your heart begins to sing.

Energy Medicine has been called the medicine of the future, but it empowers you NOW to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century and to thrive within them.

Reasons Why People (Including Many Physicans And Health Care Professionals) Are Increasingly Using Energy Medicine:

  • Balance the body’s energies before an invasive medical procedure, prepares the body for a healing outcome, leaves the patient more confident and relaxed, and makes the procedure more likely to succeed.
  • Balance the body’s energies after an invasive medical procedure to minimize side effects and enhance recovery.
  • Prevent or help overcome challenging illnesses.
  • Energy Medicine is simple, pleasant, and non-invasive.
  • The body’s energy fields can be restabilized on a regular basis through simple, cost-effective practices.
  • Energy Medicine has no adverse side effects.
  • Patients are increasingly asking for alternative preventative care and healing methods.
  • Energy Healing is the master medicine for all kinds of physical, mental and spiritual disorders ever.


You don’t have to be a gifted healer to start using energy medicine to keep your life force healthy. Keep your energies humming and your body will be functioning at its best.

Some of the popular Energy Healing methods are Reiki, Chakra & Aura Healing, Crystal Healing, Pranic healing, Medical QiGong etc.

Have you ever used Energy Medicine to heal your body or create deeper harmony in your life? Share your story in the comments below.

In case you want to know more, please call us or write to us.

How to reduce bad karma https://healiya.org/how-to-reduce-bad-karma/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:48:38 +0000 https://smgrocks.xyz/heliaus/?p=250

1. Identify your karma.

Identifying your karma means pinpointing in what areas of life you feel stagnant. Is it in your career that you can’t seem to break through, or a love relationship that just won’t move forward? Have you been suffering the same struggles with certain family members for too long?
We are each bound to a unique karma that locks us in unwanted circumstances. Reflect honestly on your obstacles and understand where the problem lies. When and how did this all start? The first step to untangling yourself from your karmic knots and advancing towards your true potential, is to revert to the origin of the issue.

2. Sever toxic ties.

Feel no remorse in cutting off people who invade your field of energy with burdensome karma. Life is complicated enough — don’t let the wrong people complicate it even more! This doesn’t mean you should create ill-will between you and another person, but that you should politely and respectfully distance yourself from people who bring you more harm than good.

You don’t need to offer too many explanations; a simple note of closure that wishes them well will suffice. If the person’s energy doesn’t feel “right” and they constantly inflict stress on you, you owe it to yourself and your karma to let them go their own merry way.

3. Take responsibility.

You begin to feel your energy shift when you admit your wrongs. Taking responsibility is difficult to do because your ego doesn’t like to be blamed, but it widens your perspective. You start to see where you might’ve gone wrong, and how to do things differently the next time a similar situation arises. You learn from your mistakes. This is not to say that you should feel guilt or dwell on the past, but simply that, in the future, you promise to consult your karma first when faced with a decision.

4. Heal your karma.

Perform actions that nourish your spirit and invoke well-being on every level. Go back and close open doors, alleviate old pains, and comfort your inner child. Learn to accept your karma and work with the universal cards you’ve been dealt. Carry out deeds that counteract accumulated karma from long ago, and contribute to the wellness of our world. Time doesn’t heal all wounds — it engrains them more deeply. Only by healing your karma can you evolve out of your past.

5. Defy your weaknesses.

We perceive ourselves to be weak in certain areas and strong in others. Maybe you think that you’re good at pleasing others, but bad at standing up for yourself. What you don’t realize is that your weaknesses are your secret strengths: they define you just as much as your more prominent traits do.

Learn to see your weaknesses as karmic attributes of your complete being. Don’t become the “victim” of your vulnerabilities; this invites all sorts of karmic scenarios that play on your sensitivities. Develop, instead, the courage to defy your downfalls and take the reins of karmic patterns.

6. Take new action.

If you see that the old ways of doing things aren’t benefiting you, modify your behavior. Sometimes we’re so stuck in acting a certain way that we don’t see its obvious drawbacks. Act on principle; this is the simplest and most underrated way to compensate all karmic debts and generate positive karma. Do good, even when you’re not expected to. Take care of yourself and others. Steer clear of compromising situations. In short, act in ways you would want others to act towards you.

7. Forgive everyone.

Nothing frees you quite like forgiveness. And this virtue comes more easily when you acknowledge its transformative graces. To forgive is to detach — from the anger, bitterness, and frustration you harbor internally. Bad karma feeds off of resentment — it makes you attract people who give you even more reason to be resentful. We often wonder why we can’t escape the wheel of negativity — instead we avoid the truth that it’s our very emotions that reel us into such cycles.

Karma is a unique force to each of us — every person is fighting his or own karmic battles. But the sooner we identify the sources of our unsettled karma and take action to resolve it, the sooner we experience the miracle of liberation to fulfill the greater purpose of our lives…

Hope it help.
